Wednesday 15 December 2010


Radio Trailer

Newspaper Advertisement


Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our interviewee is looking straight into the camera to give the documentary a more personal feel and to appeal to the younger target audience making them feel like the Free Runner is talking to them about the sport. Interviews where the interviewee is looking straight into the camera are seen in Grizzly Man, a real media product, as shown in the images below.

Our newspaper advert is like other Channel 4 adverts with the logo on the right hand side of the advert and through the use of an image which creates enigma about what the documentary is about. It is similar to the poster for Disarming Britain as the image in this poster signifies the dull and grim side to Britain with the grey wall in the background and our brick wall signifies the urban life and the urban sport.

Question 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Please click on the link above if Prezi does not load.

Question 3
What have you learned from your audience feedback?

To conclude from our audience feedback, if we were to do the project again, I would add more interviews with various people in the documentary and also use less of the tricks because some of them begin to look the same and this repetition is what I think made people bored. If we were to do the radio advert again, then i think we should make the narrator sound more interested in the sport and excited about the documentary rather than sounding quite bored and like he is doing it as if it is a chore. This will not make people want to watch the documentary. For the newspaper advert, if we were to recreate this, we could possibly reconsider our original option with the image of the Free Runner but make it more interesting than it was. This way, we could still have the mystery that the audience liked in our final advert but also use something which is more related to the sport which others said would make it more obvious what the documentary is about and probably make them want to watch the documentary a bit more.

Question 4
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?