Sunday 18 July 2010

AS Task - Filming

We have now filmed the interview for our documentary. We had to change the person who we were interviewing because our original interviewee was also filming for her documentary. It took us a while to find someone but in the end we asked Katie Scutt about her mobile phone. We asked her all of the questions that we needed so now we can watch it back to plan the cutaways. The setting for our documentary remained the same in the Wicked Cafe. As this is a fairly noisy place we used a small microphone that clipped onto her top so we could clearly hear her answers and the general noise from the cafe is now background noise. Hopefully this microphone will have worked well and because Katie was wearing a black top, it will not be noticeable which is better than her holding a big microphone to link to the relaxed angle of our documentary. We had no issues with the filming and it all went smoothly.

We have now filmed the whole of our documentary including establishing shots and cutaways. We got an image of a mast for the opening and filmed the changing phones by keeping one hand in the same position and having someone else swap the phones in whilst one of us filmed it. We also shot two people texting and one person on the phone as well as some images of scrolling through a menu on the blackberry phone to show the interactivity and convergence that is available on them. This cutaway is to be inserted into the documentary after Katie has spoken about why she likes her phone. She also says that she would be lost without her mobile phone so we have shot someone stood on their own looking at the floor.

Now we just need to edit everything in place and make sure that we have everything we need.

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