Monday 27 September 2010

Audience Feedback

Questionnaire For The Audience Feedback

Documentary Questions
1) Did you find the documentary interesting?
2) Did it inform you fully on Free Running?
3) Would you want to watch more of this documentary?
4) Do you think that the sport is a good way to keep fit?
5) Would you consider starting to train in this sport?

Radio Trailer Questions
1) Can you understand the narration?
2) Does the music fit with the advert?
3) Does it make you want to watch the documentary?
4) Is the scheduling clear and memorable?
5) Does the narrator's voice fit with the subject?

Newspaper Advert Questions
1) Would you know what the documentary is about from this image?
2) Does it make you want to watch the documentary?
3) Do you think that it could be improved?
4) Does it look like a typical Channel 4 poster?
5) Is the scheduling clear and memorable?

Audience Feedback Results

We asked three people to give us some feedback on our media products. We asked them all the above questions and below are their responses.

We also posted our documentary onto YouTube so that people could comment on the video, giving us their opinions on it.

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