Monday 27 September 2010





In our documentary, we are planning on interviewing two main people, a professional Free Runner who has competed in many championships and a Free Runner who is training to become a professional. Other interviews will include 5 or 6 short interviews with the public about their opinions on Free Running. Included in this will be an interview with a Police officer, giving their opinion on the sport. These interviews will last between 5 and 10 seconds to match the fast pace of the documentary.

The interview with the Free Runner (the first one in the above storyboard) will take place in a typical are for Free Running with other athletes training in the background of the shot. some examples of questions we will ask him are:

1) How did you get into the sport?
2) What age were you when you first started practising the sport?
3) Who introduced you to Free Running?
4) How and why do you think that the sport is increasing in popularity?

The second interview with the professional Free Running trainer will take place in a gym in Liverpool where many famous Free Runners train (we are also hoping to interview one of them). The interviewee will be in the foreground with training continuing behind him. Interview questions for the trainer can include:

1) How did you get into the sport?
2) How old were you when you reached the professional level?
3) What do you think of the younger generations starting Free Running?
4) Do you think the sport will grow in popularity now there are more young people starting to participate?

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