Monday 27 September 2010


Monday 1st November 2010
Today we began to capture all of the footage which we had filmed over October half term. We had filmed about 50 minutes worth of footage so only got some of the capturing done but so far the footage we have is mostly good and usable so we will have a lot of choice when it comes to deciding which clips to use in our documentary.

Wednesday 3rd November 2010
We continued to capture the rest of the footage on the mini DV tape today nearly getting to the end of it all so we can begin to edit the clips down and put them into the documentary.

Thursday 4th November 2010
Today we finished the capturing of the footage including what we filmed at the gym in Liverpool last night. There are only a few clips which we can not use and some of the same tricks with some being better than others and some having different camera angles so we can put them all together.

Friday 5th November 2010
Today we went through all of the footage we had captured and cut the clips down so that they were just of the tricks that we wanted. Most of the clips are quite short so we can have fast editing to match the pace of the sport and make the documentary more exciting. We also changed the speed duration of some of the clips to make them shorter so they would not get boring. We did this on the clips of the group wall scale where the Free Runners scale a wall one after the other and also on the clips of the group kong where they do the same trick in their own individual style one after the other.

W/C Monday 8th November 2010
This week we have put all of the clips onto the timeline and began to place them into the order we want. We have also added some music to the production. The first music track we have chosen is Chase and Status with Let You Go because when we were talking to the Free Runners, they said that they usually listen to this music whilst they are training and we agreed that the speed and beat of the music matched that of Free Running.

W/C Monday 15th November 2010
This week we have finished putting all of the clips into order apart from leaving a few spaces where Vox Pops will go when we have filmed them. We have cut some of the clips that are the same trick in half and merged them with others. One example of this is a back flip of a wall which we filmed on one day has been merged with another that we filmed on another day but with the same person doing the trick. We have also used the different views of the same trick straight after each other to show the technique from more than one side. We have unlinked all of the audio and video on the clips with the Free Running on them so that the chosen music can be heard and we can add a voice over to it. The second piece of music which we have chosen for the documentary is Watercolour by Pendulum because when we went to film at the gym, they had music playing on a big speaker and it was this song. This music starts as all of the gym footage starts and to match the slow pace at the beginning we have a long shot which has been slowed down to create an anticipation of what is to come as well as a pause in all of the hectic action before it starts again.

Monday 22nd November 2010
After filming some Vox Pops in Warrington Town Centre on yesterday, we edited them down today and put them into the documentary. We changed the framing on some of them to make sure that they showed the conventions of documentaries, with the object on one side of the frame and so they are not looking into the camera. The volume of these vox pops has been put to the loudest option on some of them because some people spoke quieter than others and we have tried to get an equal level with the volume for this bit.

Wednesday 24th November 2010
After recording the voice over, we edited it and put it in the relevant places in the documentary today. This voice over has linked all of the clips together and made it look and sound more like a documentary. The voice over explains what Free Running is as well as some of the footage. For example, the voice over describes that there is a competitive side to the sport as we see Free Runners doing the same training in the gym, each time they are trying to be better than their friends.

Friday 26th November 2010
We put some finishing touches to the documentary today, adapted lighting levels to make some lighter and others darker depending on which day we filmed them and where we did it. For example, the colours on the footage in the gym was unchanged as the lighting in there was bright enough to get good footage, however, on some clips outside the sun is shining on some parts to make it too bright and then there are clouds on others making them seem dark. We also did some volume adjustments to the music, voice over and interviews so that we can hear them all clearly. We have lowered the music volume during interviews and when the voice over is playing so it does not distract from what is being said and so that the lyrics do not conflict with the dialogue. We also made sure that all of the titles were in the correct places and were clearly visible.

Monday 13th December 2010
Today we finished the editing of our documentary after filming different vox pops to add to the documentary in place of others and adding more of the interviews in instead of just having lots of different footage of tricks and challenges. After adding this new footage and adjusting the volume and framing of some last clips, we were finished.

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