Monday 27 September 2010

Scripting Radio Trailer

Who? What? Why?

Who you are talking to? ... Target Audience
What do you want the target audience to do?
Why should they do it?

1) Who - 16-20 year olds
2) What - Watch documentary
3) Why - Learn about a new and interesting sport

1) Casual language, make it exciting, colloquial, questions to make the target audience think, create enigma
2) What the documentary about, channel, date, time, title of documentary
3) Alternative sports, interesting, becoming more popular for all ages and gender etc, watch to learn more etc.

Ever thought about trying something new and exciting?
[Vox pops cut down to them just saying "Yes"]
Something different that is becoming more popular with all generations? What about Free Running?
Free Running is an alternative sport that is new to some people but most now know what the sport is.
[Vox pops of woman saying she has seen it on TV]
To learn more about this urban sport then tune into Channel 4 on Thursday 20th January at 9pm for On The Edge, a new documentary giving an insight to the sport.
Go on, do something different ...
[Vox pops of opinions ending with "It's really good"]

After deciding that this script sounded too educational, we decided to change it slightly

Ever thought about trying something new and exciting?
[Vox pops cut down so they just say, "Yes"]
Something different that is becoming more popular with all generations? What about Free Running? Death defying jumps, Vaults, Flips, dangerous Cork Screws, Gainers and wall spins
[Vox pop of the guy saying "It's like gymnastics on the street", girl saying "It can be intimidating" and part of Chris Porrino's interview, and more Vox Pops of opinions on the sport]
Tune into Channel 4 on Thursday 20th January at 9pm for On The Edge
Go on ... do something different ...

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