Monday 27 September 2010


Friday 22nd October 2010
Today was our first day filming so we went into town to film vox pops. We managed to get three 16-20 year olds to talk to us about Free Running and their opinions on the subject. Later on, we got some footage of the Free Runners but it began to rain so we could not do anymore.

Monday 25th October 2010
We met in town so that we could film more vox pops but we were unable to get a permit to film in Golden Square because of an event that was taking place all week so we went to Stockton Heath. Here we spoke went to the Police Station and spoke to a PCSO about Free Running but unfortunately he had never dealt with any problems involving Free Running but we gave him our details and he said that he would make some enquiries and get back to us.

Thursday 28th October 2010
Charlotte organised a training session for the group of Free runners that our documentary is following. She filmed them performing tricks all over Warrington, following them around. She filmed everything that they did so we will have a lot of footage to choose from to put into the documentary. She filmed about half an hour worth of footage which included four interviews, two with PKTwist (the younger Free Runners), one with Jake and one with Rupert (Two of the older Free Runners).

Friday 29th October 2010
Today we both went to one of their outdoor training sessions in Warrington. We staged some flips and other tricks for them to perform and we also filmed them messing around, having fun and doing some tricks that they wanted to do. We followed them again to their favourite places to train starting by Warrington Town Hall and then moving to where MFI used to be. It then started to get dark and was trying to rain so we stopped filming.

Wednesday 3rd November 2010

Tonight we went to Liverpool so that we could get some footage of the Free Runners indoor training at the gym where they train alongside professionals. The session is a gymnastic session where they practice flips on trampolines and into foam pits before attempting to do the tricks outside. They also practice their tumbling moves on the special floor mats that are in the gym. We filmed one of the girls, Zee, practice her tricks as well as getting general footage from the gym with full shots of the whole room with all of the different stunts in the different areas of the gym being shown.

Sunday 21st November

Today I filmed vox pops in Warrington. I asked people from different age groups and both males and females to get a rounded opinion. First of all I asked if they knew what Free Running is and if they did what their opinion is on the sport. One of the people who I asked said that their friends were Free Runners so they began to do flips and other tricks in the background of his interview and then performed some more tricks to be filmed. I also filmed looking over the edge of a low wall onto the ground for the opening title sequence. The low angle used for this will hopefully make the wall look taller than it was to give the effect of the anticipation in Free Running.

Monday 13th December 2010
Today we filmed some more vox pops to replace some of the others which the framing was wrong in and others which did not fit in well with the documentary. We did these with a background that had an urban feel to it with big metal containers that were slightly rusty to relate to Free Running being an urban sport.

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