Monday 27 September 2010

Newspaper Advertisement Production

Below are the original images that we took to create our final Newspaper Advertisement using Adobe Photoshop CS5.

We took a picture of a brick wall to use as the background because it relates the the title sequence in our documentary and is a simple image that links to the urban sport.

We took a picture of the bottom of my boot so that we could cut it away to get a footprint that would walk across the wall, again linking to the urban side of the sport. The bottom of my boot is moody to show why the footprints would have been left on the wall.

This was our original poster, using an image from the documentary but we felt that it gave too much away about what the documentary is about and did not create enough enigma. We also decided to change the date of the documentary as we felt that not many new documentaries are shown at the end of a year but are more likely to be shown in the new year.

This is the final newspaper production with the title, slogan, scheduling and Channel 4 logo. The Channel 4 logo is on the right hand side because after analysing other Channel 4 adverts, we found out that this was a convention. The writing is in a white box to make it stand out against the wall and then the font we chose was Calibri as we felt it looked the most like the Channel 4 font. The date reads '20 January' instead of '20th January' because after analysing Channel 4 posters we realised they just had the number for the date.

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