Monday 27 September 2010

Target Audience Research


1) Male __ Female __

2) Under 16 __ 16-20 __ 21+ __

3) What is your favourite television channel?

BBC1 __ BBC2 __ ITV1 __ Channel 4 __ Five __ Other ........................

4) What time do you normally watch television?

Before 4pm __ 4-6pm __ 6-8pm __ 8-10pm __ After 10pm __

5) How often do you watch documentaries?

Regularly __ Weekly __ Every few weeks __ Once a month __ Yearly __ Never __

Other ....................

6) Do you exercise?

Yes__ No __

7) How often do you exercise?

Daily __ Once a week __ Less than once a week __ Never __ Other ....................

8) What do you do to exercise?


9) Would you be interested in alternative sports?

Yes __ No __ Maybe __

10) Are you aware of the concept of Free Running/Parkour?

Very well __ Well __ Slightly __ Not sure __ Not at all __

11) Would you be interested to learn about it?

Yes __ No __ Maybe __

12) Do you or anyone you know participate in this sport?

Yourself __ Family __ Friend __ None__



(Numbers shown are the number of people who chose the answer e.g. 13 females and 17 males)

Our first question for the questionnaire, as you can see above, was the gender of the person who was completing it. This pie chart shows that we asked 17 males and 13 females in order to gain reliable information for our documentary by asking people of both sexes. We asked the opinions of a few more males than females as we feel that our documentary will appeal more to men than women.

Secondly, we asked for ages so we could see what would appeal to different age groups. again we have asked more people from one group as they will be our target audience. We asked two under 16 year olds, twenty one 16-20 year olds and seven people who were 21 years old or over. We chose to ask a few under 16 year olds to gain an idea if it would be something that that age group would be interested in. We asked more people who were over 21 as it is such a large age group it included people's opinions from many different ages.

In order to back up our opinion about the best channel to air our documentary on, one of our questionnaire questions was about their favourite television channel. As you can see from the pie chart above, there are nine people who have chosen channel 4 which is more than any other channel. ITV1 and Other channels were next with 6 and 7 respectively. Other channels included Dave, Sky Sports and E4.

The fourth question was about when people normally watch television so that we can schedule the documentary so that most people will get to see it. The results for this question were that the same people who watched either Channel 4 or E4, watch the television between 8pm and 10pm, allowing us to decide on a suitable time. Nobody out of the 30 people that we asked watched television before 4pm meaning that this would not be a good time to put the documentary on. This number was so low due to people still being in work or potentially school or college. More people watched television between the hours of 6pm to after 10pm. this is because the work and college days have finished and most people are at home where they can watch the television. One person who we interviewed said that she generally watches television later on in the evening after all of the jobs were finished. This is why 13 people watch television between 8pm and 10pm meaning that this would be the peak time for our documentary to be scheduled for. Only seven people said that they watched television after 10pm as this is when the majority of people are starting to think about going to bed.

How often do you watch documentaries? This was our next question so that we would know if we would be against any other documentary and if our target audience even watched them. As you can see above, the largest number of people watch documentaries weekly (10 people) or if not weekly then regularly (7 people). Within these people are the majority of the 16-20 year olds or the people over 21 which is our target audience. Therefore, our target audience does watch documentaries regularly.

Do you exercise? was the next big question as if our target audience doesn't exercise because they don't enjoy sports then the idea for our documentary would not appeal to our target audience. However, the results of the questionnaire showed that only eight people didn't exercise and twenty two people did meaning that sports are still appealing to our target audience.

This question was to see how often people did exercise so that we could possibly use the statistic in the voice over for our documentary as well as seeing how active people were. A third of the people asked exercise daily and just under a third never exercise.

What people do to exercise was a question of ours so that we could see how many people already did an alternative sport. As you can see above, no one out of the 30 people asked currently take part in an alternative sport of any kind. However, as the name suggests, Free Running, people who currently run or jog when they exercise may be interested to learn about it and the one person who does gymnastics may be to because of the acrobatic side to the sport.

This question was again another important one for the topic of our documentary. Thankfully, 24 people said that they would either definitely interested in learning about alternative sports or might be but only 6 people said that they wouldn't be interested at all, not including 2 of the people who said that they did not exercise who said that they might be interested in it.

This question was to give us an idea of how much people already knew about the sport. as you can see, only a few people know what the sport is very well and the majority of the results are people saying that they know nothing at all about the sport, aren't sure what it is or have some idea about it. This is a good thing though because the job of a documentary is to inform people about the subject so hopefully after watching a documentary on Free running, we will have raised awareness of what the sport is.

To follow on from the previous question, it is important to find out if people actually want to learn about it. Only six people said that they would not but these were six people who don't exercise. 24 people out of our target audience, however, said that they would be interested to learn about Free Running. This hopefully means that they would enjoy watching a documentary on the subject which will follow free runners and explore the different ways of training.

As our final question, we thought it would be interesting to see how many people actually known someone who takes part in the sport. 1 of the people who we asked said that they took part in the sport themselves whereas 25 people said that they knew no one. This shows that it is not a very well known sport and that not many people take part in it yet. This could all change though as alternative sports are getting more and more widespread with more people wanting to start exercising in a fun way.

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