Monday 27 September 2010

Recording and Editing Radio Trailer

Friday 3rd December

Today I recorded the radio trailer using a camera and a clip microphone. We have used the same person who has done the voice over for our documentary to combine the two products together. We recorded it in the radio studio at our college so that it would be in a quiet room and there would be no added noise from other students. To ensure that the microphone was working I listened to what the camera was recording by plugging headphones into it. This allowed me to realise that the first microphone we used did not work so we were able to change this before we recorded the trailer. We decided to record the trailer twice so we could choose the best bits from them and the first time we recorded it, he spoke very fast so we asked him to slow down and pause in the parts where the sound bites would be so that we could easily edit this in.

After recording the trailer, I added it to the sound bites which I had copied from the documentary and one of the music tracks, Pendulum - Watercolour, so that I could edit the best version and cut it down to fix the sound bites in and make sure that the trailer was 30 seconds long. I unlinked the video from the audio so that i could delete the video to leave us with just the sound of the radio trailer. I also made the volume louder on some parts of the audio and lowered the volume of the music so that everything could be heard clearly, especially the name of the documentary and the scheduling.

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